Този кейс за телефон е съвместим с MagSafe с вградени магнити.
Mек кейс
This transparent soft case is made from flexible shock-absorbing TPU and encases your entire phone for a full protection. It will give your smartphone a perfect protection against dents, scratches, dirt and dust. All of our cases are tailor-made for your specific smartphone model. This means that you’ll still be able to take pictures without having to remove the case every single time. The volume controls and standby button will also remain just as easy to reach as before. And thanks to the wonderful design, your smartphone will look better than ever!
✓ Fully transparent
✓ Fine finish
✓ Lightweight
Kейс със сваляемо въже
Този прозрачен мек калъф е изработен от гъвкав ударопоглъщащ TPU и обхваща целия телефон за пълна защита. Той ще осигури на вашия смартфон перфектна защита срещу вдлъбнатини, драскотини, мръсотия и прах.
Разглобяем кабел Кабелът е лесен за отстраняване, когато не ви е необходим за известно време. Изпитайте удобството и защитата на калъфа за смартфон с кабел и се насладете на телефон, който винаги е под ръка.
✓ Black cord
✓ Extra protection
✓ Fully transparent
✓ Wireless charging possible
✓ Works with a screen protector
калъф портфейл
CaseCompany’s flip cases are built from the best materials. That way, your smartphone will get the protection it needs ánd deserves. All of our cases are tailor-made for every specific smartphone model, which means the user-friendliness will remain as impeccable as before. All of the buttons remain easily accessible, and you will be able to keep taking pictures without having to remove the case every time. The inside of the case is lined with faux leather, while the front is covered with a high-quality print of your choice. On the inside, there’s plenty of place to store your bank cards.
✓ Extra protection
✓ Shockproof
Kейс с връзка
This transparent soft case is made from flexible shock-absorbing TPU and encases your entire phone for a full protection. It will give your smartphone a perfect protection against dents, scratches, dirt and dust. All of our cases are tailor-made for your specific smartphone model. This means that you’ll still be able to take pictures without having to remove the case every single time. The volume controls and standby button will also remain just as easy to reach as before. And thanks to the wonderful design, your smartphone will look better than ever!
✓ Black cord
✓ Extra protection
✓ Fully transparent
✓ Wireless charging possible
✓ Works with a screen protector
CaseCompany® е основана през 2013 г. Ние сме белгийска компания, специализирана в производството на калъфи и аксесоари за смартфони. Въпреки че корените ни са в Белгия, ние се превърнахме в глобална компания. Всеки ден работим усилено, за да предоставим огромна ексклузивна колекция от калъфи за смартфони за най-различни марки.
Jason is an artist, designer, and creative director based in Brooklyn, NY. Originally from Salt Lake City, he discovered NY as a teen, and was magnetically drawn to the color, the art, and the culture. Jason’s work ranges from video, to illustration, to typography and murals. It has been seen supporting brands like Mac Cosmetics, Xbox and Fenty Puma, and has been seen in various publications, on clothes, shoes, and even bodies... and of course on walls around city. He loves bright colors, rich blacks, and his work regularly contains messages of positivity as he believes that kindness is the key to success.
Поддържаме тези методи на плащане
I love it. Excellent quality. So satisfied :)